Einer für Alle und Alle für Einen! - Nachhaltiges und flexibles Laden - das Datagnan Konzept

One for all and all for one! - Sustainable and flexible charging - the Datagnan concept

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Today it is difficult to find sustainable solutions in an increasingly technical "always online" world. All the electronic devices we use to be connected to the world, smartphones, laptops etc consume valuable resources. We also need cables to recharge or recharge these devices. Often poor quality cables are included with purchased devices that are only for one device, or wear out quickly.

Who does not know having a drawer full of small, outdated cables that can no longer be used. Or is a separate cable required for each connection?

We at Mountain Peak have the same problem and wanted to find a solution. In order to reduce the consumption of resources and to protect cables and devices, to reduce the required cables and to facilitate transport so that they do not become kinked and unusable. This problem gave rise to the idea of ​​a universal solution:

Why not one cable for all areas of application, one cable to charge all devices, compatible with the current standards and at the same time conserving resources and reducing wear and tear?

The solution is called "Datagnan" (Link Datagnan cable). It fits seamlessly into our ecosystem of devices and is also compatible with the common device standards and ports USB-C, Micro, and Lightning. It has 100W capacity and is made of high quality materials. It can also be expanded as required with additional connectors. The cable can be transported in a specially designed and practical box made from recycled aluminium. Everything is tidy, nothing is lost. You can also use the cable for data transmission.

One for all and all for one!

We think that we are doing our part for the environment and helping you to protect the planet and reduce the unnecessary consumption of resources.

Because we care!

#recycle #reuse #reduce #carbonfree #circulareconomyproject