CBD - What should I look out for when buying?
The abbreviation CBD stands for cannabidiol, one of the more than 121 known cannabinoids in the hemp plant. Along with THC, it is the cannabinoid most commonly found in hemp plants. The content of CBD depends on the original genetics, the part of the plant or the further processing of the plant material. The seeds approved in the European Union are in the EU catalog of varieties and are of the Cannabis Sativa L type.
Source: wikipedia
CBD is said to have many properties that can have a positive effect on the body and health. However, the state of the art is not clear and there are different studies regarding the effectiveness. It is advisable to always keep yourself up to date and to take the state of science and research into account. If in doubt, consult a qualified person, doctor or pharmacist.
Is Buying CBD Legal?
You can find out more about the topic at CBD & Law.
What is the difference between medical hemp and CBD?
So-called medical hemp has a THC content of more than 0.2% in the European Union and Germany. Before buying, always make sure that the content is below this value. More also under CBD and law . Mountain Peak products all have a THC content of less than 1%, 0.3% 0.2% or none and comply with the guidelines set by the legislator.
When buying, you should definitely pay attention to the quality of the product and the production standards! This applies to both medicinal hemp, which is only available on prescription in certain countries, and CBD products.
On the website of the Federal Opium Agency in Germany it says in relation to cannabis as medicine:
"The pharmaceutical quality of the cannabis flowers is determined by the specifications of the "Good Agricultural and Collection Practice (GACP) for the collection and cultivation of medicinal plants", the specifications of the "Good Manufacturing Practice" (GMP), as well as the specifications of the monograph "Cannabisblossoms" (DAB).
This ensures the availability of cannabis for medical purposes in reproducible quality and in accordance with pharmaceutical regulations for patients."
Source: Federal Opium Agency
Mountain Peak products are purely natural and are checked at every stage of production, which is what we stand for with our promise of quality .