Mountain Peak
Eucalyptus Globulus - Aroma Leaves
Eucalyptus globulus , a natural aromatic plant with a refreshing scent for an inspiring atmosphere. The leaves of the plant have been carefully selected and come from natural cultivation.
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Eucalyptus globulus is used, among other things, to obtain herbal teas, essential oils and for medical applications.
The leaves are steam distilled to extract eucalyptus oil. E. globulus is the main source of world eucalyptus oil production. The oil has therapeutic, perfuming, flavoring, antimicrobial and biopesticide properties. E. globulus oil has gained international acceptance because it is virtually free of phellandrene, a property necessary for internal pharmaceutical use. In 1870, Cloez identified the dominant fraction of E. globulus oil and ascribed to it the name "eucalyptol," now more commonly referred to as cineole.
Source: Wikipedia
Eucalyptus globulus, commonly known as Southern Blue Gum or Blue Gum, is a tall, evergreen tree native to south-eastern Australia. The bark of this species of eucalyptus is usually smooth, young leaves are whitish and waxy underneath, mature leaves are glossy green and lanceolate, flower buds are glossy and ribbed, and occur singly or in clusters of three or seven in the leaf axils. The flowers are white and the fruits are woody.
There are four subspecies, each with a different distribution in Australia and found in New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania. The subspecies are the Victorian blue gum, the Tasmanian blue gum, the Maiden's gum and the Victorian eurabbie. The plant belongs to the Eucalyptus genus. However, the plant also grows in Spain, Portugal, Greece and Italy.
Eucalyptus (/ˌjuːkəˈlɪptəs/) is a genus of over seven hundred species of flowering tree, shrub or malleen in the myrtle family (Myrtaceae). Along with several other genera of the phylum Eucalypteae, including Corymbia, they are commonly referred to as eucalypts. Plants of the genus Eucalyptus have smooth, fibrous, hard or filamentous bark, oil-glanded leaves, and sepals and petals fused into a "cap" or operculum over the stamens. The fruit is a woody capsule commonly referred to as a "gumnut".
Most eucalyptus species are native to Australia, and each state and territory has representative species. About three quarters of Australia's forests are eucalyptus forests. However, eucalyptus also grows in Europe in countries such as Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece and Ireland.
Source: Wikipedia